Keynote Speaking And Coaching Workshops.

Let’s Love Right

Keynote Address and
Speaking Topics

Audiences consider Kwame a top-rated professional leadership keynote speaker who is down-to-earth, confident, entertaining and with a great sense of humor. Kwame is a must-see motivational speaker for your in-person and virtual event, He will transform your audience leaving a lasting positive impact on their relationships.


Breaking the intimacy code
  • What intimacy means to men
  • What intimacy means to women

Healing emotional pain

  • Keys to releasing past pain
  • The courage to facing and healing your childhood pains

Communication in marriage

  • Understanding why you are not talking
  • Your communication style is pushing you away or
    bring you closer

Sex & more sex: Honey I Need more sex

  • How to ask for more sex
  • The benefit of sex for wives

Pastor’s marriage and ministry and Stress

  • The pastor’s marriage and stress
  • Pastors’ marriage and sexual issues

Emotional intelligence

  • Is your anger destroying your marriage?
  • The root cause for destructive emotions

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VIRTUAL CONFERENCES provide an opportunity to reach a greater number of participants in the comfort of their homes. Based on Kwame’s dissertation research on parent-child sexual health communication, and research he has made in conferences, Kwame offers a media-rich experience to create a lasting change in relationships.

Kwame is known for tailoring his motivational speaking topics to deliver the best keynote message that is matched to your organization’s media and event planning objectives. Connect with Kwame by email or use the website contact form to set up a call with him to design his presentation and prepare his best keynote for your audience.

KWAME BELIEVES that love gaps (love distortions, Not putting God first, associating self-love with performance) the lack of love expressions and unhealthy self-love create negativity in individuals life, marriages and relationships. He believes that when people are given the right tools for closing the love gaps and building a healthy self-love, they would increase marital happiness and love themselves better.